Clevapay is so easy to use; need to send files, images, videos, accounts, personal training plans, recipes or any other digital content? Simply upload, choose your price and send the payable link to your recipient. You can even add your links to your own website or social media for easy payments. See what links have been paid under your dashboard and watch as the payments roll into your bank account.
Allow easy payments in todays cashless world. Use our QR code generator and NFC tags (ordered through the site) and ensure your revenue, donations and payment for services don’t suffer in a cashless world. Create a QR code for tips in seconds and use them wherever you want. Stick QR codes on tables, pizza boxes, donation boxes and more. No setup fees and paid directly into your account.
Setup recurring subscriptions for any service. Do online coaching for your clients and waste time each month chasing payments or forget to collect cash? run yoga classes and want an easy way to charge your clients? Straightforward and easy to use, with an easy way to see who has subscribed, cancelled and paid under your dashboard, it couldn’t be more simple.
Download our app
Even more functionality and even easier to use, our new app coming soon on both iOS and Android will be available to download via this page. send payment links, create QR codes, send files and payment requests directly from messenger, whatsapp, text as well as chargeable webcam sessions and lots more functionality, stay tuned…
90 Paul St, Shoreditch, London EC2A 4NE